Our Full Story
““The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.””
Road to Redemption was created, based upon the vision, life experience, and passion of the Founder, Randy Rial. His journey included a “road to destruction and near death” as he battled a drug addiction to power cocaine, crack cocaine and alcohol for over 30 years, which involved being arrested 9 times and going to 10 different long-term treatment centers. He lost his family, his marriage, his son and destroyed his career, friendships, as well as legal and financial baggage.
But his parents, Dickson and Shirley Rial, along with many other close friends and family, never gave up on the power of God, and they remained on their knees for 30 years, until God miraculously answered their prayer and removed Randy’s obsession to smoke crack on May 10, 2014, and he has remained clean and sober ever since then, not due to his power, but to the resurrection power and healing of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
But from that day in May of 2014, Randy began to take steps in his recovery to get back on his feet and enter back into the real and working world. But what he found was nothing but roadblocks and rejections. He could not find a job or a place to live with 9 arrests, including 4 felonies on his record. So how does someone in recovery start their life over when no one will give them a chance? He could not get a bank account, buy a car, or even address health issues that have now come about because of abusing his body with drugs. The church is a wonderful place to find Godly people who will pray with you, love on you, and encourage you. But the church is not set up to meet the many other needs that someone starting out in recovery will face.
As God began to send people into Randy’s path to meet with and encourage them in their recovery and relationship with the Lord, Randy saw the void that was not being filled in these other areas. And when someone who is struggling to even believe that freedom from the bondage of drugs is even possible, will very likely go back to drugs when faced with these roadblocks and rejections. This is when the vision for Road To Redemption Ministries began to become clear to Randy.
Road To Redemption Ministries was then created to develop a coalition of resources, including people as well as other existing organizations, that have a passion for those dealing with addiction and want to use their talent and resources to knock down these roadblocks that an addict in recovery faces. But the most important goal is to make sure every person that comes into our path, has the Gospel shared with them, lead them to salvation if not already saved, and spend one on one time with each person, discipling them to a closer relationship with the Lord.