Our Services

While encouraging a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is our top priority, Road to Redemption will help connect those coming out of  addiction with the  necessary resources to help remove the roadblocks that hinder them from restoring their life


Mentor Program – One-on-One mentoring grounded in biblical principles with a mentor. It is vital that someone coming out of addiction have a weekly one-on-one time with someone who has walked where they’ve been and can guide them in the recovery process and to a closer relationship with God.

Treatment Facilities – After initial assessment, if treatment is needed, we will advise options of facilities to address the individual’s needs.

Housing – Based on availability, we will try to provide temporary housing options if needed in urgent/crisis situations.

Employment – Due to consequences of addiction such as a criminal background, employment options can be limited.  We partner with various businesses that have a heart for second chances and are willing to hire the committed worker.

Friendships & Community – We know no one can walk this road alone and we will provide support, encouragement and fellowship with others who’ve traveled a similar road.

Prayer – We believe in the power of prayer!   Our committed team of prayer warriors from our prayer ministry team will pray for you on a daily basis. We also have an online prayer hotline for those who need immediate prayer in crisis situations.

Support For Family & Friends Of Those Struggling – We understand the loved ones of those struggling with addiction feel lost and helpless, not knowing where to turn.  They need just as much prayer, encouragement and guidance as those struggling in addiction.